Python 3 Object-oriented Programming 3rd Edition My publisher unveiled the third edition of Python 3 Object-oriented Programming today! This has been the culmination of several months of work. Editing and updating the second edition was a pleasure. It was gratifying to discover that the content has aged well. This was not the case with the first edition; I did extensive restructuring and rewriting before I was satisfied with the second.

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One of many things I love about Python is how whitespace is an integral part of the language. Python was the first popular programming language designed with the idea that “code is read much more often than it is written.” Forcing authors to indent code in a maintainable fashion seemed a brilliant idea when I first encountered Python fifteen years ago. The lack of braces scattered throughout the code made for easier reading.

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Parts in this series An Order to Learn to Program, Part 1 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 2 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 3 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 4 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 5 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 6 Part 5: Beginner programming, dynamically typed This is part 5 in my series on the order to study topics related to programming.

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The venerable RSA public key encryption algorithm is very elegant. It requires a basic understanding of modular arithmetic, which may sound scary if you haven’t studied it. It reduces to taking the remainder after integer long division. The RSA Wikipedia article describes five simple steps to generate the keys. Encryption and decryption are a matter of basic exponentiation. There’s no advanced math, and it’s easy to understand their example of working with small numbers.

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Parts in this series An Order to Learn to Program, Part 1 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 2 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 3 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 4 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 5 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 6 Part 4: Binary, bits, and bytes This is part 4 of my series on the order to study topics related to programming.

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Whenever I start a new hobby web project, I just want to jump in and start coding. Instead, I spend many many hours trying to get authentication to work. I’ve got half a dozen half-finished “boilerplate” projects lying around that were supposed to satisfy the desire of, “next time, I can use this boilerplate and authentication will just work.” It never does. One thing I know I don’t want to do is manage my own auth database anymore.

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Parts in this series An Order to Learn to Program, Part 1 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 2 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 3 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 4 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 5 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 6 Part 3: SQL Basics It’s not common to see SQL as the next language taught after HTML.

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Dusty Phillips

Canadian author and software developer.

Author and software developer

New Brunswick, Canada