My latest hair-brained project is a WAT-to-Wasm compiler written in the Roc programming language. I explained my (ir)rationale for the project in Part 1 of this series, which also included an introduction to the technologies we’ll be using.

Note: Other articles in this series are collected here.

In this article, we’ll get started writing some Roc code. We won’t get to the point where we are doing anything with WAT or Wasm, yet, but we will be able to load an input file and parse some command line arguments.

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I’ve been curious about the Roc programming language for a while now, but I haven’t had/taken the time to really dig into it. I’ve read through the tutorial several times, but only yesterday did I actually sit down and install Roc and implement the tutorial. Today, I woke up with the ridiculous idea to build a compiler in the language.

A simple compiler, to be clear.

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Dusty Phillips

Canadian author and software developer.

Author and software developer

New Brunswick, Canada