Introduction This is the sixth in a series of articles exploring the Gleam programming language. In this one, I’m setting aside my little password cracking project to look at gleam for frontend development.
I love Rescript for frontend development, it’s a very practical functional programming language, and I’ve written a lot on the topic. So this article will also be a bit of a comparison of Gleam and Rescript. This isn’t really a fair comparison as Rescript is a mature language, and Gleam’s Javascript support is super brand new.
Introduction This is the fifth in a series of articles exploring the Gleam programming language. In the most recent article, we started exploring how Gleam interfaces with ERLang’s powerful OTP concurrency framework to brute force some passwords. However, it was suboptimal, partially because I didn’t know what I was doing, and partially because I didn’t have time to go into some of the deeper details. I also had a super valuable tip from the Gleam discussion group that I wanted to go into.
Introduction This is the fourth in a series of articles exploring the Gleam programming language. The first article explored some of the most basic features of Gleam; just enough to say hello. The second discussed looping constructs, namely that gleam doesn’t have them. The third was supposed to be about parallel programming and OTP, but it ended up being more about looping and recursion.
So this one is about parallel programming and OTP.
Introduction This is the third in a series of articles exploring the Gleam programming language. The first article explored some of the most basic features of Gleam; just enough to say hello. The second discussed looping constructs, namely that gleam doesn’t have them.
This one was supposed to investigate how Gleam integrates with Erlang’s famous OTP library for concurrency and fault tolerance. But I got sidetracked and ended up doing a second article on recursion and tail recursion instead.
(Original published September 30, 2021. Updated May 7, 2022)
Introduction Most of my Rescript series so far has been about combining Rescript with React using create-react-app. Now that I understand Rescript better, I’m not so sure create-react-app is a good fit for it.
Mostly because it’s slow. Rescript compiles JSX natively, so we shouldn’t need slow and hard-to-configure webpack. Most of create-react-app is about hiding the configuration of webpack from the end-user.

Introduction This is the second in a series of articles exploring the Gleam programming language. The first article explored some of the most basic features of Gleam; just enough to say hello.
Hello is basically the first thing we learn in any language (whether human or programming). This article explores looping in Gleam. More specifically, it explores the fact that Gleam doesn’t have any looping constructs.
That’s right: none.
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Introduction Gleam is a newish programming language that I recently stumbled upon. It is so little-known that there aren’t really any tutorials available on it (even on the official documentation), so I decided to write my own.
Gleam transpiles to Javascript and Erlang. I’ll be focusing my attention on the Erlang side of things, as it is more mature. And to be honest, I don’t feel any reason to replace Rescript, my go-to transpires-to-Javascript language.