In my last article on Inko, I implemented several data structures to demonstrate how Inko’s single ownership model works.

In this article, I will expose a big lie in that article and also dive into how Inko safely handles concurrency.

Why Concurrency is Hard

Truth be told, concurrency is hard for a lot of reasons, but the one that comes up most often is concurrent memory access. If you have two threads of execution running at the same time, and they both read from and/or write to a variable, the variable is likely to end up with incorrect or garbage data.

The classic dead-simple example is creating threads that all increment an integer variable. To increment an integer, each thread needs to read the current value, add one to it, and write it back to memory.

There are two problems with this; one subtle and one not-so-subtle. The not-so-subtle problem is that any two threads might read the same value and increment it to the same value, when the expected behaviour is that each thread is incrementing one after another. The more subtle problem is that if the value is larger than a single unit of memory (typically 64 bits), it is possible that two different threads will write different values to half the unit. The resulting data in this case is not only wrong, it’s garbage.

There are a lot of different possible ways to solve concurrency problems. Python, for example, literally only allows one thread to be active at any given time. This made more sense when Python was invented in an era of single-core computers than it does today, but this strategy still works for a very large subset of computing problems. It also has the advantage of very easy to reason about.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have languages like Rust, C, and C++, which allow you to access memory however you want, and there are a variety of strategies to solve the concurrent access problem, including channels, locking, and various sychronization primitives.

In the middle are languages that support only one or two of the possible concurrency paradigms. The most common paradigm is message passing between isolated threads. Erlang, and Pony both use this model to great effect, and even Python supports it in a somewhat heavy-handed way using the multiprocessing library (message passing using multiprocessing is quite a bit more expensive than in the light-weight processes used in the other mentioned languages, so you have to be careful how much data you share that way). Go also relies on message passing though it’s a bit less strict about who can access global memory than the others.

The basic idea behind message passing is that any one piece of memory can be accessed by exactly one thread, and if two threads need to “share” data the only way to do so is to send the data (either by moving it or by moving a copy of it) over a channel.

In my opinion, relatively few concurrency problems should not be solved with this message passing model, so it makes sense that many languages really lean into it, making message passing an integral part of the language and forcing a fat runtime for message handling and synchronization on the end coder. These languages might not be able to elegantly solve all possible concurrency problems (you wouldn’t write an operating system in one, for example), but that’s ok; no language needs to satisfy all use cases to still be useful for a wide variety of other cases.

Concurrency and Inko

Inko’s concurrency framework is very similar to Pony’s, although I find it easier to reason about Inko. Mulitple “light-weight processes” (not to be confused with OS-level processes, such as python’s multi-processing uses) are easy to spin up and are managed entirely by Inko’s runtime. Sending messages is as easy as calling an async method, though receiving data back means you need to explicitly pass a channel or reference to the caller to send the response (async methods don’t have return values).

This all comes with added complexity at the memory management level, though. Recall that Inko leans heavily into single ownership. You can have as many references (mutable or immutable) to a value as you like, but one of those values must be the “owner”, and no reference is allowed to outlive its owner (enforced at runtime).

The rules for sending messages from one process to another are necessarily stricter: you are no longer allowed to have references to the unique value when you send it to the other process. This is enforced at compile time, which effectively means that the value must have been unique for its entire lifetime. So you can’t create a value, create a reference to the value, drop the reference, and then pass the owning value to another process. If a value is going to be sent to a different process, it must be unique from the time it is created. The receiving process is ok to convert it to a normal owned value if it doesn’t want to send it on to other processes, though.

Inko has a uni reference type to model this behaviour. The key features of a uni type are:

  • it can never have any ref or mut references to it. It is unique. There is only one.
  • Any fields on the object must also contain unique data, meaning there can be no references to those fields from outside the object. This does not mean that the fields all have to be uni pointers, though, as Inko’s recover expression can be used to guarantee the uniqueness of the fields when you are constructing them.
  • it cannot contain any ref or mut references to outside data. Again, this doesn’t mean that none of the object’s fields can be ref or mut references, but if they are, they must be referring to data that is somehow owned by the object that is unique.

So whatever data you share between processes can be as complex (with nested fields, refs and all the rest of that) as you want so long as it is isolated: There can be no external pointers to data inside the isolated value, and the isolated value cannot have any pointers to data outside of it.

Some code

This is basically just going to be the “hello world” of concurrency in Inko. We’ll spin up a separate process (for the remainder of this article, “process” always means a lightweight Inko process, not an os-level process) that prints "hello world".

Start with this:

import std::stdio::STDOUT

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {"Hello World")

That’s it! That’s the code to spin up a separate process that prints “hello world”. It looks suspiciously identical to the non-concurrent hello world code, doesn’t it?

In fact, every Inko program has a Main process, and the first thing Inko does when the program starts up is initialize that process and call the main async function on it. That’s why both the class and the fn are marked as async. Async is the keyword Inko uses to denote interactions with processes. If a class is defined as async, then every instance of that class will have a dedicated process for it. And any time you call an async method on the class, you are passing a message to it.

Let’s dig into that a little further by moving hello to a different method:

import std::stdio::STDOUT

class async Main {
  fn pub async hello() {"Hello World")
  fn pub async main() {

In this variation, we are still creating only one process. That process sends a message to itself to call the hello() function, which prints the ubiquitous message to the screen.

The output of this program may be a little surprising, though… it’s (probably) empty! Let’s see why: Behind the scenes, the async hello method does not execute immediately.

Instead, it queues up a message to be sent to the existing Main process (that hello() call is implicitly a self.hello()) But the existing Main process stops processing messages as soon as main() is done, and it ignores the queued hello message when the program exists. This is much different from the behaviour in Inko’s sibling, Pony, which waits for all processes to become idle with no more messages to send before exiting.

To prove this, consider what happens if we sleep for 1 second before exiting:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::time::(Duration)
import std::process::(sleep)

class async Main {
  fn pub async hello() {"Hello World")
  fn pub async main() {

You might hope this is giving the main process ample opportunity to process that hello message, but actually the output is still empty; it just takes a little longer to exit. Any one process can only process one message at a time, and it has to process the message completely before it jumps to the next one. So unlike async methods in cooperative multitasking systems (such as Python’s asyncio), it’s not possible to say “pause my execution and execute a different message in this same process, then come back to this one.”

To further cement this idea in place, let’s make the hello method accept a channel so we can send a message back to indicate that we are done.

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::channel::(Channel)

class async Main {
  fn pub async hello(channel: Channel[Nil]) {"Hello World")
  fn pub async main() {
    let channel =

In a coroutine based system, the main function would be implicitly pausing execution at the hello(channel) line, handing control to the event loop to let it process any other messages (specifically the pending hello call), and then waiting for a value to come back before continuing. We would expect it to print the words and then return.

But that’s not how Inko works, so that’s not what happens. Instead the program hangs indefinitely and never exits. We have effectively created a deadlock: The pending hello() message never gets a chance to run because main is waiting for a value that it never receives because the value is only sent in the pending hello() message that never actually runs.

If you paid attention to my previous articles, you might be wondering why the above code even compiles, and the answer is that I lied to you. Sorry about that, but it was easier to lie than explain all the nuances. But now is the right time to get into those nuances.

If you haven’t read my previous articles, the above code might not look that confusing. The odd thing is, it is blatantly violating single ownership. I’m passing the channel into the hello function, and hello is taking ownership of the channel, so the channel is being moved into the function.

So how is it that I can access channel.receive in the last line of main?

The lie I told you was that Inko claims “Single Ownership is all you need.” I believe I hedged my lie a bit by putting a “more or less” in front of it. But the truth is, certain built-in values in Inko use reference counting instead of single ownership. Channels are one of these special cases. In fact, the Inko source code for channels (Inko doesn’t have a documentation generator yet, so source code is the way to go) explicitly states:

Channels use atomic reference counting and are dropped (along with any pending # messages) when the last reference to the channel is dropped.

This effectively means you can use a channel in as many places as you like without worrying about what order the references are dropped in, whether they are unique or not, or keeping mut or ref references to it.

Other special case types that are reference counted in Inko include String and, interestingly (more on this later), processes.

The solution is to do what we intended to do from the beginning and create a second process for the hello world functionality. As usual, I’ll do it wrong to explore the pitfalls, then we’ll make it right. (For the record, in my day job I never try to get away with “I did it wrong on purpose.")

Two Processes

import std::stdio::STDOUT

class async SecondProcess {
  fn pub async hello() {"Hello World")

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let proc = SecondProcess {}

The cool thing here is that we don’t have to do anything special to initialize the second process. By defining a class as async and instantiating it we’ve created a process. Note that Inko only starts the machinery for a new process after you send the first message. In this case, that happens when we call proc.hello. Any time you call an async function on a process, you’re creating a message to be sent to that process at some point in the future. It will be the near future, but it’s not immediate.

As I foreshadowed, this still isn’t working. The second process is probably being started, but because the main function exits before it gets a chance to process the message, there is still no output.

Let’s try to solve this using the sleep trick again, only this time it will work:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::time::(Duration)
import std::process::(sleep)

class async SecondProcess {
  fn pub async hello() {"Hello World")

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let proc = SecondProcess {}

If you run this, it’ll print hello to the screen and you’ll notice that it takes a couple seconds to get the command prompt back again after it is printed. This is because the main process is idly waiting for that sleep call to complete. This is, of course, almost always suboptimal, and if you are using sleep to solve concurrency issues in your code (in any language), something is dreadfully wrong.

Let’s try it with the channel pattern instead:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::channel::(Channel)

class async SecondProcess {
  fn pub async hello(channel: Channel[Nil]) {"Hello World")

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let proc = SecondProcess {}
    let channel =

I guess I didn’t full explain all the details of creating a channel before, partially because it didn’t actually work in that situation and partially because I was rambling about channels being reference counted instead.

The hello function now accepts a channel argument. Normally when you pass values into an async function, you need to make sure they are unique, but as discussed Channels are special. A channel is just something you can pass values into or out of, with the caveat that the values in question must be unique (have no references to them).

In this case, I’m doing something weird where I’m passing nil into the channel because I don’t actually care what the value is; just that it is being sent. The fact that it has been sent is all I need to indicate to the main process that I’m done handling it. That’s kind of a code smell, to be honest, but Inko doesn’t yet have the multitude of process management libraries that Erlang and Gleam have going for them.

The thing that makes this all work, though, is the channel.receive call in main(). This is a blocking call; nothng in the Main process can execute (including other messages) until something comes in on this channel. In this case, the “something” comes almost-but-not-quite immediately, since the hello message doesn’t take long to process. Once the response is received, the main process exits without any of the delays we saw in the sleep version.

Async class fields

Like normal classes, async classes are allowed to have fields on them, but the values assigned to fields must all be “Sendable” when the object is initialized. Since Channel is a reference counted value we don’t need to do anything special to make it Sendable. Let’s try creating a class constructor for our SecondProcess and storing the channel as a field instead of passing it to hello every time:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::channel::(Channel)

class async SecondProcess {
  let @channel: Channel[Nil]

  fn pub static new(channel: Channel[Nil]) -> SecondProcess {
    SecondProcess {

  fn pub async hello() {"Hello World")

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let channel =
    let proc =

There shouldn’t be anything too surprising in this code at this point; it’s all reusing Inko syntaxes that I’ve covered before. But things get more interesting if we want to make a field out of a normal Inko value.

Unique values

The normal way to extend any hello world is to start dealing with variables and changing it to hello <name>. That would be a bit too easy in Inko because String, like Channel, is one of the special-cased reference counted types. Instead, let’s store an array of strings on the class.

A first pass might look like this:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::channel::(Channel)

class async SecondProcess {
  let @channel: Channel[Nil]
  let @names: Array[String]

  fn pub static new(channel: Channel[Nil]) -> SecondProcess {
    SecondProcess {
  # ...

This fails with the following Compiler error:

src/main.inko:11:14 error(invalid-symbol): The field 'names' can't be assigned a value of type 'Array[String]', as it's not sendable

It’s not clear what “sendabale” means, but for now, think of it as “either a unique or reference counted value.” Channel was reference counted, so it was sendable in this context. Array[String] is not reference counted, nor is it unique.

Field values need to be unique when it is constructed so that the compiler can be 100% certain that no other process is going to try to access data stored in that field while the active process does so.

The way to do that is using the uni keyword. uni, short for “unique”, is a type modifier similar to ref and mut. The main difference is that where ref and mut explicitly do not own the data they are pointing to, uni not only owns its own data, but guarantees that there are no other ref or mut references to that data.

This means there are actually five kinds of variables in Inko, in increasing order of permissiveness:

Modifier Owns the data Sendable Description
uni Yes Yes There is exactly one reference to the data and this is it.
ref No No This is a read-only reference to data owned by a different variable.
mut No No This is a read-write reference to data owned by a different variable.
no modifier Yes No This is the owning variable for a piece of data that can have other references.
no modifier Shared Yes This is a special case type that the Inko runtime uses reference counting for.

Note that the field itself doesn’t have to be unique; the uniqueness constraint only applies when communication passes between processes, which happens when it is constructed and whenever async methods are called.

In the new constructor, we are currently setting @names=[]. The problem here is that the empty array is not a uni value. We know that there is only one instance of the single owning array in this case, but the compiler doesn’t (though in the future, it could theoretically be inferred for such a trivial case).

To solve this problem, we use a new keyword, called recover. A recover expression can wrap arbitrarily complex initialization code, with one key rule: The code “inside” the recover block cannot maintain references to any variables defined outside the block. This guarantees that the return value of the recover expression will contain only unique data. Any references on that data are pointing to owned values that are owned by the uniqe data, so the whole block is isolated.

In this case, we can use a very simple recover expression in our constructor:

  fn pub static new(channel: Channel[Nil]) -> SecondProcess {
    SecondProcess {
      @names=recover []

The @names= line is saying, “run the arbitrary code after recover and make sure it isn’t accessing anything outside recover.” The arbitrary code in this case is just constructing an empty list, and since the empty list is not accessed by or accessing anything outside the recover expression, Inko knows it is unique and safe to assign to @names.

In contrast, code such as this won’t work:

    # won't work
    let some_names = ["Somebody"]
    SecondProcess {
      @names=recover some_names

some_names was defined outside the recover expression, and accessing it inside recover is breaking the rules.

This can get confusing quite quickly, because you might expect this code not to work either:

    let somebody = "Somebody"
    SecondProcess {
      @names=recover [somebody]

The compiler is ok with this because somebody is a String, which is one of the reference counted special cases. In general, these special cases are very convenient, but when you’re experimenting and learning, they can lead to a lot of “but I thought that was against the rules” confusion.

Here’s one that surprised me:

    let somebody = ["Somebody"]
    SecondProcess {
      @names=recover [somebody.pop.unwrap]

I really expected this to fail because I’m accessing somebody inside the recover expression. But apparently it’s ok to access references defined outside the recover expression as long as you don’t assign them to the returned value. Yorick just confirmed that this is a relatively new feature in Inko. In this case, I am able to access the somebody reference and extract the String which, as in the previous example, is legal to assign to the array.

Other places the “sendable” rule applies include parameters passed into an async function and values sent into a channel.

Arguments to async functions must be sendable

Let’s look at the simple case first: a method that pushes a name onto the @names array. This is one of those deceptively simple cases:

  fn pub async mut add_name(name: String) {

The (reference counted) String is sendable, so this code just works, although I had to experiment a bit before I remembered what order the pub, async, and mut modifiers were supposed to go in!

But if we want to add multiple names in a (non-sendable) Array, we have to remember that pesky uni:

  fn pub async mut add_names(names: uni Array[String]) {

And if we want to call this async method from our main (or any other) process, we have to remember the (equally pesky) recover:

    let proc =
    proc.add_names(recover ["Dusty", "Phillips"])

Async Classes are reference counted

For my next trick, I want to create a network of three interacting processes. Two processes will send messages back and forth to each other and the main process will sit and wait until those two processes have finished chattering.

But we’re going to do it without holding a channel between the two processes (we’ll keep the one that notifies main that we’re done, though). As usual, I’ll build this up in several steps.

Start with some boilerplate for the three processes:

class async Ping {
  fn pub static new() -> Ping {
    Ping { }

class async Pong {
  fn pub static new() -> Pong {
    Pong { }

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let ping =
    let pong =

Update the Pong constructor to accept a Ping so it can eventually respond to any queries:

class async Pong {
  let @ping: Ping

  fn pub static new(ping: Ping) -> Pong {
    Pong {@ping=ping }

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let ping =
    let pong =

This may be a bit shocking. Pong is an async class, which means that all its fields have to be sendable when it is constructed. But we didn’t have to use uni to pass a Ping to the new constructor, nor did we have to use recover to constructping. This is because async classes in Inko are reference counted, just like Strings and Channels. So the lie I told you before was an even bigger whopper than you guessed. First I said that single ownership was your only option in Inko. Then I said, well actually, there are some special cases that are shared ownership, but all your bespoke Inko code has to be single ownership. Now it turns out that if you want to make use of reference counting for arbitrary objects in your Inko programs, just make those arbitrary objects async class and there’s your shared ownership! Once again, I apologize for the dishonesty, but I hope you agree that it was easier to understand this order.

Now I’m going to do something I probably shouldn’t and also make Ping aware of Pong so it can send messages as well. This can’t be done in the ping constructor, since we need the Ping to exist in order to construct the Pong. Instead, I’ll set the field to be an option and add a set_pong to set the value after Pong is constructed. This is harder than it sounds because, while Pong is sendable by default due to its reference counted nature, an option that contains Pong is not sendable. So we need to recover the option when we assign it:

class async Ping {
  let @pong: Option[Pong]

  fn pub static new() -> Ping {
    Ping {@pong=recover Option.None}

  fn pub async mut set_pong(pong: Pong) {
    @pong = recover Option.Some(pong)

If you think about it, this is pretty weird. Our @pong is unique; we are guaranteeing there are no other references to that Option. But the value the option contains is actually not unique; it’s using shared ownership. This smells rotten, but let’s run with it anyway.

Now let’s add a ping method to the Ping class and a pong method to the Pong class. They both do the same thing: spit out some text on stdout and call the opposing method on the other class:

  fn pub async ping() {"PING")
    match @pong.as_ref {
      case Some(pong) -> pong.pong
      case None -> nil

The ping class needs to first check if its Option is some or not before it can act on it. We have to use as_ref so we are matching on an option that contains a reference (bizarrely, an option that contains a reference to a shared reference, but we’ve already agreed to ignore the code smells, right?).

Pong’s method is much simpler, because there’s no option:

fn pub async pong() {"PONG")

If we start the two processes running with a single call to ping, you might expect to end up in an infinite loop. Instead, however, you’ll get no output at all, because the main process is exiting immediately. But if we temporarily add the sleep trick, we can see the two processes communicating:

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let ping =
    let pong =

This will print (I’ve been typing ping and pong so much that I wrote pring instead of print there…) line after line of PING, then PONG on stdout for two seconds.

Now if you think about it, this is actually pretty impressive. The two independent processes are executing in lockstep, completely and intentionally synchronized. But we don’t have any awaits in there and there is no synchronized keyword, no locks, barriers, or mutexes. The code is easy to read in a linear fashion, but we are able to model complex synchronization problems (perhaps I’ll do an article on fan-out, fan-in, producer consumer and related patterns later) safely and easily.

Of course, you know I don’t like the sleep trick, so lets modify Pong so that it keeps track of how many times it’s executed, and have it notify a channel after a certain number of executions:

class async Pong {
  let @ping: Ping
  let @done: Channel[Nil]
  let @count: Int

  fn pub static new(ping: Ping, done: Channel[Nil]) -> Pong {
    Pong {
      @count = 0

  fn pub async mut pong() {"PONG")
    if @count <= 5 {
      @count += 1
    } else {

I’ve added two fields to Pong. The done Channel is one of the special case refcounted values so it doesn’t need uni, and the count Int is also a special case, though I assume that is because it is a primitive rather than because it is reference counted. (Primitive values are always copied in Rust, which is what Inko is implemented in).

The pong async method is pretty straightforward, although do note that I had to change it to pub async mut because it is now modifying its own @count field.

Now our main function can look like this:

class async Main {
  fn pub async main() {
    let done =
    let ping =
    let pong =, done)

We’ve added a done channel, passed it into pong and set the main process to wait for it to complete using done.receive. The code will run five ping pong cycles and exit cleanly as soon as its done.

On the pitfall of reference counting

I want to talk a bit more about the “smell” in this code. The interaction of references and the implicitly reference counted ping and pong instances is kind of weird. Shared pointers with references are fairly easy to work with which is why so many languages use them as their default or only memory access paradigm.

However, they have one key problem: If there is a cycle in the reference counts, the memory will never be freed. Specifically in this example, our Ping has a reference to Pong and Pong has a reference to Ping. Those two references could keep the object alive and consuming precious “idle process” resources, even after both objects have otherwise gone out of scope.

In this case, the leaked memory is benign since the whole problem exits at the same time that the two processes go out of scope, but if you were spontaneously creating a bunch of processes that keep references to each other in an ad-hoc manner, you could end up with a memory leak.

The normal solution to this is to add garbage collection to the runtime to detect these reference cycles. I’m not aware that Inko does this with processes, so you have to be careful to either avoid cyclic references or explicitly clean them up. In this case, it would probably be smarter to use channels to communicate between processes.

On the collision of single ownership and uni values

While implementing inko-http, a (very very basic) http server, I found that there was often a clash between my “normal” Inko code and my “concurrency safe” Inko code. In normal code, I want to pass around singly owned values that may have multiple references to them. As soon as I want to pass that code to a process, I need to be able to convert the value to a uni object. Then once it crossed the process boundary, I usually wanted to convert it back to a normal object that could be passed around by reference.

Converting a unique object to a normal one is safe and easy, but going the other way around is not safe. There’s no way for the compiler to know whether the unique object has references to it or not. So you really have only two options:

  • Create the value as unique from the beginning and pass it around by value, never allowing a reference to it.
  • Create the value as singly-owned, and create a deep copy of it when you pass it to another process.

The second option has a bit of a performance penalty, but I found it to usually be much much easier to reason about. To facilitate the converting of objects to and from a uni value, I created the following trait:

trait pub Uni[T] {
  fn pub clone_to_uni() -> uni T

  fn pub move into_referrable() -> T

Most of the classes in my http server implement this trait.

The first method takes a single owned value by reference and creates a new unique value that is a copy of that value. The second method takes a unique or singly owned value and returns it unmodified; this is kind of just a flagging method to say “this value is no longer unique and can now have references.”

Here’s an example of an implementation of this trait for an AppRequest class:

impl Uni[AppRequest] for AppRequest {
    fn pub clone_to_uni() -> uni AppRequest {
        let uni_request = @http_request.clone_to_uni
        let path_params = recover
        let iter = @path_params.iter
        loop {
            match {
                case None -> break
                case Some({@key = name, @value= value}) -> {
                    path_params.set(name, value)

        recover AppRequest {
            @http_request = uni_request,
            @path_params = path_params

    fn pub move into_referrable() -> AppRequest {

As you can see, the clone_to_uni() function can get rather complicated as you need to recursively clone all of its fields as well. The main effect is in the recover expression at the end of the function; I’m returning a newly constructed AppRequest that is guaranteed to contain only unique values.

In contrast, the into_referrable() function is much simpler; it accepts the value as move meaning it is taking ownership of it. By having ownership of the unique value, it can opt into doing whatever it wants with it, which includes returning itself as a non-unique value.

To be honest, I’m not sure if this pattern is a good way to code Inko, but it was the one that I fell into as I was experimenting with concurrent code. If your program is really doubling down on the actor model, with tons of separate interacting processes, it is likely that it won’t encounter many non-unique values, as everything is being passed to an async process and then locally forgotten. On the other hand, if you are writing a library with zero concurrency, you’ll never need to think about unique values. I actually really like this about Inko: software that isn’t highly concurrent is relatively easy to reason about, and you only have to think about unique values if you decide to introduce concurrency. So, for example, my entire regular expression engine operates in a single process, and as such, there isn’t a uni or recover expression in the entire codebase. That isn’t to say you can’t use my library in a concurrent codebase, but as the author of the library I don’t have to think about concurrency for you to be able to use it.

I also expect that concurrent coding with Inko will get easier as the language evolves. I imagine that conversions between unique and non-unique values will become easier as the compiler learns to infer different states better, and there may be new standard (or third-party) library functionality added to facilitate various concurrency patterns over time. Right now it feels like the right bones are in place to create a very strong concurrency paradigm, but you have to jump through some hoops to make your code cooperate with it. But once Inko gets some flesh on those bones it should as much of a joy to use as I have found the non-concurrent coding experience to be.