On Voice Coding

(contains amazon affiliate links) I have had repetitive stress injury (RSI) flareups on and off for many years. I’ve kept them under control mostly through use of a Kinesis Advantage ergonomic keyboard that I’ve had for fifteen years. However, several months ago, I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and instructed to avoid typing if at all possible. I make my living programming and writing. My hobbies are programming and writing.

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I’ve been wondering what to do with this blog for a while. I haven’t had time to do the technical deep dives I used to do. But I’ve also been reluctant to pivot into different kinds of articles. I’ll write more about that in the future (the summary is that I’ve been writing fiction instead of code in my free time). For now, however, I’ve decided to publish a non-technical shallow dive on something I do not understand very well: stock markets and economics.

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Goals Vs Happiness

I am not a productivity coach. I don’t even like the concept of a productivity coach. I’m also not a mental health coach, although I am successfully managing mental illness, and I assure anyone dealing with depression, mania, or anxiety right now, that you matter. Things can and will get better. I haven’t written much about mental health since I rebooted my blog. Today, I want to talk about how goals affect our state of mind.

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I’m about halfway into writing my first novel. Though I have plenty of writing experience, this is my first real attempt at fiction. I’ve been surprised at the difficulty! Some of my skills transfer over; I still know the basic structure of the English language and I put commas in the right places more often than not, for example. But many other things are much different. The hardest change I’ve had to make is the order I present information.

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Parts in this series An Order to Learn to Program, Part 1 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 2 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 3 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 4 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 5 An Order to Learn to Program, Part 6 Part 6: Local Development This is part 6 in my series on the order to study topics related to programming.

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Dusty Phillips

Canadian author and software developer.

Author and software developer

New Brunswick, Canada